bee-covered man hit by dump truck
that man was so thoroughly covered with bees
seething windblown utterly silent
indistinct brownian motion
vaguely outlined against a suburban backdrop
madly waving limbs already slowing
less frantic than autonomic
as tributaries bore poison downstream
sparking vestigial fight response
He stumbled into the intersection.
He stumbled in.
the dump trunk
a vehicle infrequently seen
on our streets
nevertheless suddenly appeared
as dread-phantoms appear out of tattered movie mist
to surprise the nominal odds
charged through a green light, it did
truck radiant with pure potential
maths heaped unasked
onto the bee-man's plate
the bee-man's plate, I say
what brought the bee-man to this juncture
he and the dump truck an ordered pair
or maybe he and the bees
one can't divine the intended theme
of these formulae. one can't.
we know that death is a plain coordinate
we are given to know that a bee-covered man so struck
moves swiftly in death through the air
unburdened in a kinetically explosive instant.
faithless bees disperse on impact
a startled murmuring cloud.