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i saw a school of tuna and it nearly turned my head

I saw a school of tuna and it nearly turned my head

6 tons of fabricated glass gave on to worlds I’d never dreamed

what is the lowly tuna but a cousin of the trout

a shadow on a fishing line a bum in the Atlantic stream 


a darkened crowded chamber turned my wondering to grief

this slow gyrating metal as an office worker’s stale repast

the sudden burst of Seeing turned this throng of tourists mute

a terrible surprise that left the larger number all aghast


that’s an effing tuna came the outrage from the mob

their expectations turned aside their hierarchies turned to mud

a godlike crowd of bluefin turned a dervish in the blue

an unrequited dynamo a souvenir to stun the blood


we wander and we wonder and infrequently we kneel

I saw a school of tuna and it nearly turned my sorry head

this velveteen conspiracy transfigures all we Know

a fleet of silver volkwagens which God has turned to sandwich spread.

© 2049 by Jeff Wing. of course you've heard of him.

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