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wingpoems title
first line alpha
another museum evening
elizabeth and bob
von Trapp Family Strangler
fix my brother you goddamned bore
habitable region around a dwarf star
power and might
lost and alone II
the way moments are squandered
who do you think we are
whoever you are forgive me
ascent to base
8th grade science outrage
what i won't do
the mandelbrot set
i saw a school of tuna
i'll need more convincing
forgive my politics
stop pulling that goddamned dog
sadness of the animate
a time of large and small adventure
i saw your first wife on the bus
chain gang
cradle tune
as i become less likable
the sale's girl's giddy doppelganger
chance of mist
thinking about my last hour in the world
a cloud of gnats in summer air
what is this Earth kiss?
a cloud of gnats in summer air
tilt your head back
light bulb specialist
something in the kitchen is dying
we dream in a winsome swoon
L is for the way you look at me
NASA rules
so very alive
i have anger like a highly polished gem
a lump of grape jelly drops to my khakis
what if he'd known
steam and fire
older woman waiting for a ride on Sunday
with a bang
looking back at the surprise attack
cheyenne gully
song for us
the woe dynasty
big sun in an empty space (for tim)
murderer hair
heavenly jeweller misplaces crimping pliers
a cloud of gnats in summer air
a lump of grape jelly drops to my khakis
a man so covered with bees
a multi-colored pigeon
age is just a number
air is drawn into us by a fluttering membrane
an infinitely finite number or number set
as I become less likable I can clearly visualize
back to school night slumbering parents
big sun in an empty space throws cold light
bright blue-breasted bird with a laughable mohawk
by lamplight everything looked strange
despite the brief and lilting feeling of uplift
don't unscrew your gloves while outside the vehicle
Elizabeth (not your real name) we were kissing
forgive me, whoever you are
green grow the lilacs
he began to conceive of the end
he has a past, a backstory
he struck out in the direction of home
I have anger like a highly polished gem
I saw a school of tuna
I saw your first wife on the bus
i see a long journey a pale ribbon of road
I was thinking about my last hour in the world
I’ll put it this way
i’m not going
to eat around strangers
I’ve found my place in the cosmic order
is it the dwarf star that collapses
it’s as if there were a cumulus of sadness
light can be both particle and wave
mans’s best friend is an expensive afghan hound
morning sun paints the low mountaintops
my cubicle colleague calls out
my dear stumblebum child
my light and my life
my visiting mother-in-law brought home
she asked me what a cloud feels like
she was all midwestern jawbone
some nights I’m possessed of a demon energy
something in the kitchen is dying
summer nearly two thirds gone
the way moments are squandered
the young couple walks stooped
this morning I pushed rinsed romaine
though frequently shining
though god sees mostly through and inside us
tilts his head back
tiptoeing past my middle-passage
unfamiliar breeze heralds the coming of dusk
universe, omniverse, reversible four dollar belt
we mobilized early
we’re all of us warm
what is it, I'll tell you what it is
what is this geologic crawl
when he boarded he saw
woe the wand’ring little cloud
you’ve seen murderer hair
carp diem
bee-covered man hit by dump truck
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